This software is available for multiple operating systems:
After installing it you must also:
Download the latest ardupilot_methodic_configurator_setup_x.x.x.exe installer file.
Do the steps highlighted in red.
It is available in multiple languages, select the one that better suits you.
Accept the software license.
Create a desktop icon, so that the language setting will take effect.
Click Install
Click Finish
To run it, double-click on the newly created desktop item.
Install python pip. Then execute the command line:
pip install -U ardupilot_methodic_configurator
To run it, execute the command line:
You need to create and activate a new virtual environment before you can run the software.
python -m venv .ardupilot_methodic_configurator_venv
source .ardupilot_methodic_configurator_venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install ardupilot_methodic_configurator
To run it, execute the command line:
source .ardupilot_methodic_configurator_venv/bin/activate
Follow the linux installation instructions above.